WordPress August in short.

After a pretty quiet summer, development of WordPress core seems to have picked up with three notable releases.

Gutenberg 6.3 claims the be “an important milestone in terms of accessibility of the editor”. It brings text alignment in the table block and color support to separator block.

The WordPress 5.2.3 RC 1 release includes 29 bug and regression fixes, The official release of 5.2.3 is scheduled for Wednesday, September 4.

Gutenberg 6.4 among a lot of other things includes a new block example API, The Typewriter experience and new callbacks to the ServerSideRender to handle failures.







If you have any suggestions for good article or other resources please do let me know! You can get in touch via Twitter: Vanaf1979 , Dev.to or here on this site.

Follow me on twitter @Vanaf1979 or on Dev.to @Vanaf1979 to be notified about the next article in this series, and other WordPress development related stuff.

Have a great September.